Saturday, February 21, 2009

We did it again.

Last night Emily and I performed our "Chopsticks" duet at the LDS Performer's Concert. We have never performed in front of such a large audience. We weren't nervous during the first half. After the intermission we got totally nervous. We were 4th from the end, which at first I thought was great, but we got so nervous waiting. Mom was worried Emily was going to have a panic attack. She kept saying, "Mom, my throat is closing up and I can't breathe." I guess that would be the definition of a panic attack! Once we got up there, we turned towards the audience and put on our "Groucho Marx" glasses. Everyone started cracking up. That helped us lighten up a bit. We had it memorized so we didn't have to worry about page turns. We choreographed the whole piece with swaying back and forth, jumping up and down, looking out at the audience, trading places and much much more. Emily and I could hardly contain our laughter up there because people kept cracking up at us. I guess it was the silly glasses. After we took our bow, we couldn't believe the applause! We even got some whistles and woot woots. It was so much fun. (After the fact.)


Tari said...

You guys are amazing!!!!! I loved watching you perform that last summer! Of course they loved you last could they not????

The Joost Family said...

I wish I could have been there!!! Will you perform it for me if I come visit? I sure miss you guys.

Rayner Gals said...

You need to come and visit Tracy!!!! We miss you too!!!