Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stir Crazy.

Yesterday was the third day in a row with the snow. Today is the fourth day and tomorrow will be the fifth. This snow is going nowhere fast. We haven't had this much snow in the longest time! We were kind of going crazy yesterday feeling like we were trapped. . .oh wait. . .we WERE trapped! We couldn't get down our driveway without slipping everywhere!

Luckily cute Brother and Sister Ottley offered to take us to the grocery store with them. They have a 4 wheel drive Suburban that didn't have too much of a problem driving on the slippery snow. (Although Roy did keep saying, "I'm not having too much of a problem driving except I can't see where the ditch is!" Or he'd say, "Okay, now where is the curb?") It was so funny!

They took us to Office Depot so we could ship the boxes to Philip and then we went to the grocery store to get our list of things for the next few dinners. They needed to run to Target so we got a few extra things for Christmas and then we went home. It felt sooooo good to get out of the house!
When we got home we started a fire. . .my favorite thing on a cold day.

We bought the best clam chowder ever at Safeway (thanks to the Ottley's for the recommendation.) That was our lovely lunch.

It was soon interrupted by Philip calling. Mom always puts Philip on speaker phone because he's so funny to listen to.

We were talking to Philip and looking out the front window when we saw a car slide off the road and into our front yard!!!!! We couldn't believe our eyes! We were all laughing hysterically and the passenger jumped out of the car and saw us laughing so it kind of lightened things up. If I drove into some one's yard, I would be scared out of my pants!

The driver was putting his foot on the gas but the wheels were just spinning and the passenger couldn't push the car. Finally, some random person was walking down the street and helped push the car into the street. I have never seen such a funny sight! The only thing that wasn't funny was the fact that he had just ruined our snow! It hadn't been touched until he decided to turn the corner too fast and slide into OUR SNOW! :) (And yes, I was lucky enough to have the camera in my hand at the time of the accident so I can document this event for all my posterity to see. Like they'd even care!)

Emily and I then took a few things to our neighbors and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I can't believe how gorgeous it is!

1 comment:

Tari said...

I'm waiting for Christmas pics!!!!