Friday, September 19, 2008

Andrew Max and Mikaela Rose

We're going to go to Idaho for a visit in October. We just can't wait to see Andrew and Mikaela Rose. We saw them for a while in July, but we miss them so much. Every time we visit Ethan and his family we get sooooooo many pictures of Andrew. He's just so beautiful. Now, there's another baby to photograph, so we come home with twice as many pictures.

We know Andrew will be a talented little boy. He has so much curiosity with our musical instruments. Every time he comes to Grandma's house, he begs Sarah to let him play her cello. This time, her violin was sitting out, so he was content playing with that instead. (He called it a "vi-o-lint.") Couldn't be cuter if he tried. Sarah thinks she's going to get Andrew a cello for his birthday, only if Ethan promises to get him lessons.

He also can "play" the piano for hours on end.

Back in July, we took Andrew to the playground at Jackson School. We got so many cute pictures! We could post them all, they're so adorable, but we won't. :)

And we can't forget Mikaela Rose. She is so gorgeous. (Of course, Sarah thinks she's the most beautiful baby on the planet, only because she looks just like Sarah did as a baby!)

So pretty much, we can't wait to see our family. We love them so, so, so, so much. There's just nothing better.

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