Monday, May 4, 2009

Garage Sale.

We participated in the annual neighborhood garage sale this year. It was going great until this man showed up.

He's our lovely Sunday School President in our ward. (Or not so lovely. . .he he) He is pretty much one of the funniest people in the world. The only reason he showed up was to harass us! He finds such great joy in teasing and pestering us. (I guess it doesn't help when we laugh the whole time!)

He brought along a tape measure and started measuring everything. He shouted, "This doll's nose doesn't quite fit her body. It seems to be half an inch too short!" or "This is false advertising!" People kept looking around like, 'Who is this guy?' and we just kept cracking up.

The last thing he did was check to make sure the change we gave him was in fact a real 5 dollar bill!

1 comment:

Tari said...

Ok, we laughed our heads off over here....again. Great pics!!!