Friday, June 12, 2009

Windsor (again).

The morning we left Windsor, we decided we should actually explore the town in which we were staying. Smart idea, huh? Windsor is the cutest little town. I love how every shop and restaurant looks different. It adds so much character.

We had breakfast at a cute little restaurant. . .that of course had the pub right next to the dining area. You couldn't get away from that in England! At least this one didn't feel like a pub.

Then we went on a little walk and saw Windsor Castle. . .

. . .and the crooked house. . .(yes--it's really crooked. . .they even have postcards of the crooked house!). . .

. . .and more cute doors.

Then we got in our cool car. . .
. . .and headed for Shirley.

We didn't really go there -- we just thought it would be cool. (We were actually on our way to Northern Wales. More pictures to come.)

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