Saturday, February 14, 2009


I was going to post several pictures from Wednesday evening but something weird happened with our camera card and some of the files were "corrupted" but I don't know how to fix it. So here are the 2 pictures I could salvage from Wednesday night. (The first picture isn't too good. It has Emily up front and then Sophi and Kathryn blurry in the background. The second picture is of cute Sabrina.)

The Young Women's had Valentine deliveries for a Girl's Camp fundraiser. Emily and her group came over with half-inflated balloons and they sang funny songs. (The valentine was not really from the fundraiser, they just wanted to be silly.) Then another group came with real valentines and they were actually serious when they sang the assigned songs. I wish the pictures were okay, because there were some funny ones of the girls dancing on the front lawn and singing at the door.

1 comment:

Tari said...

I just love that girl! Cute pic of Sabrina!! She will die when she sees it but it is still adorable!